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Invitations and Joinings

Invite to context with Admin Dashboard​

Currently not available

Invite node to context using interactive CLI​

Inviting to the context consists of 3 steps:

  1. Identity Exchange: The peer wishing to join (invitee) shares their identity with the existing member (invitor).
  2. Create Invitation: The invitor generates an invitation payload for the context.
  3. Accept Invitation: The invitee signs the invitation payload to confirm their identity and join the context.

In the example below, Node 2 is the invitee, and Node 1 is the invitor.


If you create an Context Alias for your context using

Context Alias (Node1)
context alias add my_context {contextID}

And then create an Identity Alias for your identity in the context using

Identity Alias (Node1)
identity alias add bob {PublicKey} --context my_context

Everywhere in the tutorial, on the node which you have created the aliases (aliases are node specific), you can use my_context and bob instead of the contextID and the invitorContextIdentity

Step-by-Step Process​

  1. Invitee Generates and Shares Identity To join the context, the invitee must first create and share their identity with the invitor. This can be done using the following command:
Node 2
identity new

This generates a private and public key pair, where the public key is the inviteeContextIdentity. Share this public key with the invitor.

identity new
β”‚ Private Key: 6i52ykNTqSqCgfDPYiKktListssSP9YwxLMzApDZe5U7
β”‚ Public Key: 3yBQQvn2G8ghWk2ZwmLFYxJQgM1YmDtiigi84nGpZBb9

Create Identity

  1. Invitor Creates an Invitation Once the invitee’s public key is shared, the invitor generates an invitation to the context using the following command:
Node 1
context invite {contextId} {inviteeContextIdentity} --as {inviterContextIdentity}
context invite 567C5Gg4mxHMPKy2wLJ4uvb3DHsbcpVDYUsuAWgTPgXn 3yBQQvn2G8ghWk2ZwmLFYxJQgM1YmDtiigi84nGpZBb9 --as DaSkad6DK7f6fUhjz1CvNW7L4TkWZmWqAcwysZHG3Xs5
β”‚ Invited 3yBQQvn2G8ghWk2ZwmLFYxJQgM1YmDtiigi84nGpZBb9 to context 567C5Gg4mxHMPKy2wLJ4uvb3DHsbcpVDYUsuAWgTPgXn
β”‚ Invitation Payload: axDfZcWCw7jc3i7MeG9JqhsYrNXRSvg6hXVWYpdsxNRhAjKD35S5FruCzyRWHYHzQyN1QbSVyRKRiTwz8Kbq4aj2dSdmi7HNxwcjTS5JkK1xwJMA8ogYuWHhDj4jfLdukPZb2SavC8cq3npFydinVZ

Context Invite

To check the invitor's identity, use this command:

Node 1
identity ls {contextId}
identity ls 567C5Gg4mxHMPKy2wLJ4uvb3DHsbcpVDYUsuAWgTPgXn
β”‚ Identity | Owned β”‚
| DaSkad6DK7f6fUhjz1CvNW7L4TkWZmWqAcwysZHG3Xs5 | *

Listed identity is invitorContextIdentity used above.

  1. Invitee Accepts the Invitation After receiving the invitation payload from the invitor, the invitee can accept the invitation by signing it with their private key:
Node 2
context join {inviteePrivateKey} {invitationPayload}
context join 6i52ykNTqSqCgfDPYiKktListssSP9YwxLMzApDZe5U7 axDfZcWCw7jc3i7MeG9JqhsYrNXRSvg6hXVWYpdsxNRhAjKD35S5FruCzyRWHYHzQyN1QbSVyRKRiTwz8Kbq4aj2dSdmi7HNxwcjTS5JkK1xwJMA8ogYuWHhDj4jfLdukPZb2SavC8cq3npFydinVZ
2024-10-07T12:18:51.809231Z INFO calimero_context: Subscribed to context context_id=567C5Gg4mxHMPKy2wLJ4uvb3DHsbcpVDYUsuAWgTPgXn
2024-10-07T12:18:51.811102Z INFO calimero_context: Joined context with pending catchup context_id=567C5Gg4mxHMPKy2wLJ4uvb3DHsbcpVDYUsuAWgTPgXn
β”‚ Joined context 567C5Gg4mxHMPKy2wLJ4uvb3DHsbcpVDYUsuAWgTPgXn as 3yBQQvn2G8ghWk2ZwmLFYxJQgM1YmDtiigi84nGpZBb9, waiting for catchup to complete...

Context Join

  1. Verifying Context Membership To confirm successful joining of the context, the invitee can list their contexts with the following command:
Node 2
context ls
context ls
β”‚ Context ID | Application ID | Last Transaction
β”‚ 567C5Gg4mxHMPKy2wLJ4uvb3DHsbcpVDYUsuAWgTPgXn | Ahe2vLWLgswJARv5LsafXp7uJyb2Ba9GjzUSeLc71gUF | b3ipivssRRm1ehRTSpUD3GKdUpvi3vq311pCT4iLvui

Context List

  1. The invitee can also list identities in the context
Node 2
identity ls {contextId}
identity ls 567C5Gg4mxHMPKy2wLJ4uvb3DHsbcpVDYUsuAWgTPgXn
β”‚ Identity | Owned
β”‚ 3yBQQvn2G8ghWk2ZwmLFYxJQgM1YmDtiigi84nGpZBb9 | *
β”‚ DaSkad6DK7f6fUhjz1CvNW7L4TkWZmWqAcwysZHG3Xs5 |

Context Identity List

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